Boot Length Guide

Shoelace Length Guide For Mad Dog Laces
It is strongly recommended to find the length of shoelace you need is to measure the laces you currently have in your boots.
The style and design of your boots or shoes will define what lace diameter is required. We offer a 4 mm (550) version for thicker lace style boots and a 3 mm (275) version for thinner lace style boots or shoes.
The chart below is intended to be a "Guideline only". It should only be used if you can't measure your laces.

Hole Pairs Shoelace Length
2 - 3 27 inches
3 - 4 30 Inches
4 - 5 36 Inches
5 - 6 40 Inches
5 - 6 45 Inches
6 - 7 54 Inches
7 - 8 60 or 63 Inches
8 - 9 72 Inches
9 - 10 81 to 90 Inches
10 - 11 100 to 108 Inches
11 - 12 120 Inches
12 & up 160 Inches

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